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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Movie Review: "Snowpiercer" Ranks Among The Best Of The Post-Apocalyptic Genre.


Director: Joon-ho Bong
Cast: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton, Kang-ho Song, Octavia Spencer, and John Hurt.
Rated R for violence, language, and drug content.

The summer movie season is all about the big studio blockbusters, which can be a lot of fun or giant failures. Sadly, there are smaller gems that are not recognized up against the Goliaths of Hollywood. Snowpiercer is one of those gems, combining the best elements of sci-fi, action, drama, smarts, and thrills. Simply put, Snowpiercer is one of the best action films of the year.

The story is set in the near future where humanity has caused the earth to become a frozen wasteland. Most of the world's population has been taken out except for those lucky enough to live on a state of the art train that travels the world once a year, continuously. Though all on board the train are lucky enough to be alive, a class system has been established in order to keep everyone in their place. There is a group among the lower class led by Curtis (Chris Evans) who are ready to stage a revolt against those who control the train and enforce such inequality to its passengers.

Snowpiercer is directed by Korean filmmaker, Joon-ho Bong, who has directed the Korean hits, Mother (2009) and The Host (2006). Snowpiercer is his first film in English and it is dazzling. There are plot elements in the film that reminded me of The Matrix and The Hunger Games, and yet the film works as an original piece of sci-fi entertainment. The standouts in the film are Tilda Swinton and Chris Evans. Swinton is nearly unrecognizable as the slimy, despicable enforcer Mason, and she eats up every scene she's in. Evans has proven he's the leader we all would follow with his role as Captain America, and while he is a leader in this film, he is very reluctant, haunted by his past. At first, his role appears to be nothing more than a typical action role, but there are some outstanding moments near the end of the film where Evans reveals a lot about his character and his acting is stellar. I know Chris Evans has expressed his interest in breaking away from acting after he fulfills his contract with Marvel Studios, but I hope he doesn't stay away too long. He's got what it takes.

The plot has its weaknesses and holes, but the action beats are executed so well that you cannot help but get caught up in the intensity. Whatever faults the film may have, they are greatly overshadowed by a fantastic cast and explosive suspense.


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