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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Movie Review: "Les Miserables" is FAR from Miserable.

Les Miserables

Director: Tom Hooper
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne, Samantha Barks, Helena Bonham Carter, and Sacha Baron Cohen
Rated PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence, and thematic elements.

This movie, for me, has been a long-awaited event. My childhood was filled with Star Wars, Willow, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, X-Men, and thanks to my parents, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon, and Les Miserables (the musicals). I have enjoyed seeing many of these translated to film. Les Miserables was one I never thought could be made into a movie, but I had always hoped it would be. Now the day has come.

The broad and epic story was already difficult enough to adapt to film, but director Tom Hooper decided to make it an even bigger challenge. Unlike other movie musicals he decided to have his actors sing each song live on set. The performances were not prerecorded in a studio before filming began, and no lip-synching was done on camera. By doing this, the actors sang each song over and over again, each time giving a different performance. They were able to access all kinds of different emotions in their singing instead of just singing the words into a microphone in the confines of a studio. The result is something truly phenomenal.

If you are expecting to hear these famous tunes sung the way they are on stage then you are in for a big surprise, and possibly, you will be disappointed. If you want to hear these songs sung beautifully then listen to the broadway soundtracks or see the stage performance. But, what you will not see or hear from the stage is the intense emotion that is brought before you on screen. These actors (particularly Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, and Eddie Redmayne) perform these songs like never before. It is in your face, intimate, raw, and very real. I have never teared up while watching this incredible musical performed on stage, but there were multiple times I had to wipe away tears as I watched it on screen. It was a joy to see the filmmakers expand the scope of the story in such a way the stage version never could, especially with its beautiful cinematography.

The story is timeless and very involved. It is a story of mercy, love, forgiveness, redemption, revolution, and sacrifice. The music portrays these themes perfectly. All the actors bring their A-game to their characters. As I mentioned before, the singing is raw and filled with emotion. Everyone does great in their respective roles. Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried are the weaker singers, but they hit their notes and their acting is superb. After seeing the movie and listening to the soundtrack on repeat, Crowe's interpretation of Javert has already grown on me, and if Russell Crowe is the weak link of a movie then it must be pretty damn good.

If you are a fan of the musical I can promise you that you will have never seen the story like this. These are not the broadway voices you are used to, but do not let that ruin the movie for you, because it is truly moving. The movie may not be for everyone especially those who are not fans of musical theater, but even still I encourage you to give it a try. This movie has the potential to change your mind. I cannot wait to see it again. 

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